In 2008, the National Academy of Engineering created a list of 14 goals for the 21st century, sort of a “save the world to-do list” for engineers. The NAE called them the Grand Challenges. Since then, the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, led by Dean Yannis C. Yortsos, has become one of their chief evangelists. In 2009, the school co-founded the NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program in concert with Duke University and Olin College, re-imagining the prototypical engineer for the new century. In 2010, USC Viterbi hosted the second NAE Grand Challenges Summit. And in 2013, Dean Yortsos helped launch the Student Day Business Competition at the first NAE Global Summit in London. But to truly promote the Grand Challenges, USC Viterbi now turns to the most powerful force on this planet for sharing ideas: internet memes. Here are the 14 NAE Grand Challenges, memeified.